Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Break Down

First off, welcome to Life in a Box, a haven for those who want honest non-bias video game and movie reviews.

Ok, so there are hundreds of video game review sites out there, why start up another one? Well my hope is that some of you will read this because you are aware of what I am aware of- when all of these review sites are sporting advertisements from the games themselves, how can you know what's really good and what isn't? 
You can't.
This is where I would like to help. I'm not receiving any money from advertisers, or getting the game for discount prices. I am spending full price on video games that I'm hoping will be entertaining. If they aren't worth my money, then I will always do my best to let you know as such.
I must confess that I have a small dream of being one of those people who gets the games a couple days before everyone else does, but aside from that, I have no selfish reason of starting a video game blog. Video games are something that I know something about, so why not share my knowledge with the masses? If you don't like what I have to say about a game, please never hesitate to share, not everyone can be graced with my infallible opinions.
I am not some journalistic geek fresh out of college, who knows everything there is to know about the gaming world, hasn't been on a date in 10 years, and is happy to finally be off acne medication. But I have owned pretty much every Nintendo since the original and wasted many hours, that admittedly could have been put to better use. But again, I am hoping to use my so called powers for good, and help people know what's worth their hard earned cash, and what's not before it's too late.
The rating system is still being tweaked and it will most likely take me a couple reviews to form a sort of logical pattern that can be interpreted by normal people. But my plan is to follow a normal zero to ten scale, and maybe throw decimals in there, just to mix things up. Complex, I know, but hopefully this way it will be easier for an individual to see what I see(or at the very least, attempt to.) As far as what will be reviewed,  at the moment, I own an Xbox 360, and a Nintendo Wii, as well as a Nintendo DS. My apologies to those Sony fanatics out there, but I have yet to see a game available solely on that platform that was worth the $400. 

 This brings us to the final part of what will come to be known as Life in a Box, the movie reviews. These reviews will mostly be handled by my talented friend Shanedeaux. Every once and a while readers may be graced with my opinion on films, but believe me, his or going to be a whole lot better than mine anyhow. My understanding is that he will mostly focus on movies of the classic film genre, but I would rather give him a chance to explain himself than speak falsely on his behalf.

So that's basically Life in a Box, I hope you crazy internet users are ready for some great stuff. Until Next time 
Goodnight, you princes of Maine. You kings of New England.

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