Sunday, March 2, 2008

Review: In Bruges

So last night I was invited to see In Bruges, starring Bulls-Eye himself Collin Farrell as a sorrow hit man who has to hide out in Bruges, Belgium which he finds boring and feels the need to tell us every few minutes about how much it sucks. Now when the invite was first extended and I recalled what the film was based on a trailer I saw way back when I declined. The flick seemed that it would be pretty bad. Firstly it seemed like all that was going to happen was that Farrell would complain about Bruges to his killer buddy and pick on Americans. Secondly none of these two things were portrayed as funny in the trailer. Thirdly this was the second Farrell as a repenting hit man that was coming out (the other one being Cassandra's Dream with Ewan McGregor, directed by Woody Allen) so I kind of zoned out on the whole premise.

However, realizing I had nothing going on that night I decided to at least check it out, because I do like movies in the general sense. I really enjoyed it. It was so damn funny. The trailer I saw did not do it justice. In Bruges follows the anarchic humor and darkness that has followed other hit man movies recently (namely The Matador [ok] and You Kill Me [great]). The anarchic humor mostly stems from random bouts of political incorrectness (whether it be about the disproportionate suicides of midgets, getting a "gay" drink for your friend, because he's gay and a "normal" drink for you because you're normal, or beating up Canadians as repercussion for John Lennon), but if you can laugh at that sort of thing you will and lots. The darkness comes from the fact that Farrell accidently killed a six-year old boy on the last hit and is deeply suicidal over it. Both the humor and the depression don't counteract each other and are both well done, and it didn't seem like two different movies either. I actually believed Farrell’s actions were those of a man who had just committed an atrocity and didn't know how to repent. The whole affair was handled very well.

That being said this movie is hardly a masterpiece or revolutionary. But it is so damn funny, a lot of that having to do with Farrell’s delivery which really brings out the humor and innocence in these somewhat offensive lines. The ending is a bit rough and a tad forced by plot, but Farrell’s voice over saves the last few minutes. Great laughs and a great time at the movies.

Rating: 8/10

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